DigiByte (DGB)
$ 0.011265 (-8.16%)
DigiByte is a cryptocurrency with a supply limited to 21 billion that will be created over 21 years. It uses 5 mining algorithms (Scryt, Sha-256, Qubit, Skein, Groestl) so that anyone can participate. It has a block target of 1 minute. Block retargeting occurs every 244 blocks or 2.4 hours and it has a one half percent premine.
A block of transactions is sent over the DigiByte network in less than 30 seconds. Each one is a bit like a spreadsheet that contains the address of every DigiByte coin at the time. The DigiByte blockchain is the entire history of all blocks found on the network and all transactions made on it. Each block references the block that precedes it, going back to the start of the network to what is referred to as the genesis block. When blocks are linked together this creates a decentralized secure and accurate set of accounts of all DigiByte ownership.