Monero (XMR)
$ 194.78207563207 (-4.40%)
Monero is a cryptocurrency that’s totally decentralized, which means that it functions as secure digital cash across a wide network of users. It confirms transactions using distributed consensus and adds them to the blockchain, effectively baking them into the record. Monero transactions are safe without the need to trust a third party.
Monero uses ring signatures, ring confidential transactions, and stealth addresses to hide everything about a transaction. No one can see how much has been sent, where it came from or where it’s going to. Monero offers all the advantages of a decentralized cryptocurrency, and none of the usual privacy difficulties. Everything is hidden by default and Monero blockchain transactions can’t be reverse engineered to reveal the identity of any user.
Monero units can’t be excluded by exchanges or vendors on the strength of any association with prior transactions.